OUT: album 'It's Hard To Be A Blizzard' by Juli Gilde
The first evening at the fair, the rollercoaster rollercoaster rides between candyfloss and and scary cabinet, flashing towards the starry sky, people shouting, laughing, throwing colourful balls balls at aluminium cans. And in the middle of it all person in her early 20s who is aware of every of this scenery and much more. Who sees and hears and sniffs and has the feeling of wanting to be to want to be everything at the same time. To have to be. Loud and quiet, fragile, exhilarated and full of mental leaps into a distant running into a distant future. ‘it's hard to be a blizzard’ - it's exhausting to be someone someone who has never existed and then to be as well as possible.
That or something like that would probably be the setting and mood of the debut album of indie artist Juli Gilde. The melancholy and dark blue, calm restraint of her first two EPs have disappeared. Instead, this is a roaring indie pop record that is louder, bigger and bolder than anything the Berlin-based artist has released so far. In light green, blue, pink, yellow and snow-white, July's songs are radiant, diverse, chaotic and diverse, chaotic and without a common thread. And yet, despite all the hustle and bustle in a funny way quite wonderful. Just like life in your early 20s.