Mona Mur
Following her work as solo singer and collaborations with artists including Dieter Meier (Yello) and Polish superstar Grzegorz Ciechowski, Mona Mur has increasingly concentrated on sounddesign and score, with an emphasis on games.
Game music, soundscape and FX work includes:
All Walls Must Fall (2017) InBetween Games
The Last Look (2016) Chaos Core
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (2010) IO Interactive - Eidos/Square Enix
Velvet Assassin (2009) UbiSoft Japan
Ballance (2004) Cyparade / ATARI
TV / Documentary scores include:
Täuschung - Die Methode Reagan (2014) by Dirk Pohlmann
Die Atombombe im Vorgarten (2014) by Rudolph Herzog
Dienstbereit - Nazis und Faschisten im Auftrag der CIA (2013) by Dirk Pohlmann